Broad Brook Fire Department

Proudly Serving East Windsor Since 1896

The Broad Brook Fire Department Junior Fire Division was first organized in 1971 and is made up of young adults from the ages of 14 to 18 years of age. The goal of this program is to educate and familiarize young individuals with the fire service. These dedicated young men and women learn all the aspects of the fire services through training, and experiences. Members of the Junior Fire Division do everything the regular adult members do with the exception of entering burning structures. A majority of the Junior Fire Division members go on to become regular members within the Broad Brook Fire Department and a few have established themselves in paid firefighting positions in the larger cities of Connecticut.

The Junior Fire Division is not all work and no play. The young men and women of this group do fund raising activities and use the money for trips to various activities, such as:

Junior Fire Division Members

  • Visiting other fire departments
  • Trips to Six Flags
  • Paint ball events
  • Training and Expo events

The Junior Fire Division is not all fun and games though. It is tough and challenging! Training activities can be physically demanding and require these young men and women to be committed to getting the job done regardless of how difficult it may seem. These individuals train right along the side of the regular members and many of them have become medical response technicians.

Interested in becoming a Broad Brook Fire Department Junior Division member? Stop in at the Broad Brook Fire Department at 125 Main Street, Broad Brook for an application. Each member of the Junior Fire Division must meet the following requirements:

  • Must maintain good grades in school. Jr. members are required to show their report card to their advisor for each marking period.
  • Must be Drug free. Drug testing is conducted at the physical for new members and can be done at random there after.
  • Must be in good physical health.
  • Must have a “can do” attitude.
  • Must have a willingness to participate in all functions of the Broad Brook Fire Department, including all fund raising activities.